Get the current branch name in a running job
Add the following code as a build step of "Execute system groovy step" (Groovy plugin is needed)
import jenkins.*
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.*
import hudson.model.*
import java.util.regex.*
def currentBuild = build.getFullDisplayName()
println('The current build is:' + currentBuild)
// parse the branch in the build full Name. Keep in mind that the banch in
// the build name is populated after we do git clone in the job
def currentBuildRegexGroups = currentBuild =~ /^(.*) #(\d+) (.*)$/
if (currentBuildRegexGroups.matches()) { // means that the build is triggered by a branch
def currentBranch = currentBuildRegexGroups[0][3]
println('Build branch name is:' + currentBranch)