Improving Ansi-term
I use ansi-term quite a bit. Why leave Emacs to have a terminal? However, there were a few issues I had with ansi-term that were quite annoying.
However, because Emacs is awesome, the issues were pretty easily fixed. First things first, I didn’t like that running exit
in my terminal left a useless buffer around. A little searching around online, and I found the following solution, using defadvice:
(defadvice term-sentinel (around my-advice-term-sentinel (proc msg))
(if (memq (process-status proc) '(signal exit))
(let ((buffer (process-buffer proc)))
(kill-buffer buffer))
(ad-activate 'term-sentinel)
This tells term (which is used by ansi-term) to kill the buffer after the terminal is exited. The original I found online also killed the frame, but I use one frame with multiple windows, so I removed that call.
Secondly, I always use bash. I don’t need ansi-term to ask me which shell to use every time I invoke it. Once again, defadvice to the rescue. I wrote the following bit of advice that lets the user set the shell program to a variable, then advise ansi-term to always use that (and not ask). The defvar could just as easily be made a defcustom, and perhaps one day I’ll do that. For now, though, this works for me.
(defvar my-term-shell "/bin/bash")
(defadvice ansi-term (before force-bash)
(interactive (list my-term-shell)))
(ad-activate 'ansi-term)
Another issue I has was with the display of certain characters and control codes. The following hook sets the term to use UTF-8.
(defun my-term-use-utf8 ()
(set-buffer-process-coding-system 'utf-8-unix 'utf-8-unix))
(add-hook 'term-exec-hook 'my-term-use-utf8)
Next, I wanted urls that show up in my terminal (via man pages, help, info, errors, etc) to be clickable. This was solved very easily by hooking goto-address-mode
into ansi-term. To make add more hooks into ansi-term easier in the future, I defined my own hook function, currently with just goto-address-mode
(defun my-term-hook ()
Then added my hook to term-mode-hook:
(add-hook 'term-mode-hook 'my-term-hook)
After this, I realized that C-y doesn’t work in ansi-term like you’d expect. It pastes into the buffer, sure, but the text doesn’t get sent to the process. So if you copy a bash command, then C-y it into the buffer, nothing happens when you press enter (because, as far as ansi-term is concerned, no text was entered at the prompt). The following function will paste whatever is copied into ansi-term in such a way that the process can, well, process it:
(defun my-term-paste (&optional string)
(get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
(if string string (current-kill 0))))
Then I just add the binding to my hook from before, making it this:
(defun my-term-hook ()
(define-key term-raw-map "\C-y" 'my-term-paste))
Since I’ve already hooked it into ‘term-mode-hook, there’s no reason to do so again. Simply reevaluate the function.
Finally, I’ve recently been using the solarized theme, both in Emacs and in my terminals. However, ansi-term wasn’t quite playing well with this. The colors were wrong in ansi-term, even though they were right in the rest of Emacs. A friend and co-worker of mine wrote the following bit of elisp that, when added to the term-mode-hook, makes ansi-term use the right colors for solarized. *(Note that this is only needed if you use solarized and your ansi-term doesn’t look right. Installing solarized, either in emacs or on your system, is beyond the scope of this post. However, I should mention that you can find it via M-x package-list-packages. The one you probably want is color-theme-solarized
.) So, adding the elisp he wrote to my my-term-hook results in this:
(defun my-term-hook ()
(define-key term-raw-map "\C-y" 'my-term-paste)
(let ((base03 "#002b36")
(base02 "#073642")
(base01 "#586e75")
(base00 "#657b83")
(base0 "#839496")
(base1 "#93a1a1")
(base2 "#eee8d5")
(base3 "#fdf6e3")
(yellow "#b58900")
(orange "#cb4b16")
(red "#dc322f")
(magenta "#d33682")
(violet "#6c71c4")
(blue "#268bd2")
(cyan "#2aa198")
(green "#859900"))
(setq ansi-term-color-vector
(vconcat `(unspecified ,base02 ,red ,green ,yellow ,blue
,magenta ,cyan ,base2)))))
Again, its already added to my term-mode-hook, so reevaluate and off we go.
So there you have it. With a little bit of elisp, ansi-term is much more streamlined (in my opinion) and better to work with. Hopefully this information will help others in the future.