Software development
- Create and use static and shared c++ libraries
- Git
- Push and delete remote branches
- Git tag
- Reset user name and email for git
- Create git alias
- How to check if a remote branch exists
- A few git tips you didn't know about
- Autocomplete git commands and branch names in bash
- Git customization
- Git-diff with a remote repository
- Git: how to squash all commits on branch
- How to remove local untracked files from the current git branch
- How do you make an existing git branch track a remote branch?
- Create git server on debian from scratch
- How to create a git repository
- Git: rollback file to much earlier version
- Ssh passphrase for git pull
- Android development
- Maven
- Differences between gcc and g++
- Python
- Java
- Operator new sample
- 可以去掉文件绝对路径的printf debug
- Doxygen
- 跟我一起写makefile
- Ruby
- Linux静态、共享和动态库之编程
- 如何只在堆上创建对象,如何只在栈上创建对象
- Automake使用小结
- 例解 autoconf 和 automake 生成 makefile 文件
- Monitor and restart offline slaves
- C++ tutorial links
- C++ ebooks
- Autotools举例
- How to make a shared library in c
- Develop iphone application on windowsa
- Gdb tips
- Javascript
- How to check the open file limits
- List object file symbols
- Jenkins
- Setting up the cron jobs in jenkins using "build periodically" - scheduling the jenins job
- Iterate jenkins slaves and kill them
- How to get a list of installed jenkins plugins with name and version pair?
- Get the current branch name in a running job
- Decrypting jenkins passwords
- Cancel all jobs in the queue
- Delete all jenkins jobs
- Cancel all jobs in the queue
- Kill all idle agents
- Shutdown nodes using groovy on jenkins console
- Abort all running jobs for the same branch
- Cancel jobs in the queue from jenkins console
- Export jenkins job config to xml
- Vim + cscope + ctags: erlang