Abort all running jobs for the same branch

Add below as System groovy step

import jenkins.*
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.*
import hudson.model.*
import java.util.regex.*

def currentBuild = build.getFullDisplayName()
println('The current build is:' + currentBuild)
// parse the branch in the build full Name. Keep in mind that the banch in
// the build name is populated after we do git clone in the job
def currentBuildRegexGroups = currentBuild =~ /^(.*) #(\d+) (.*)$/
if (currentBuildRegexGroups.matches()) { // means that the build is triggered by a branch
  def currentBranch = currentBuildRegexGroups[0][3]
  println('Build branch name is:' + currentBranch)

  // get all the jobs
  Jenkins.instance.getItems().each { job ->
    // check only for job_prefix_ jobs
    if (job.getFullDisplayName().startsWith("job_prefix_")) {
      // for every build in the job
      job.builds.each { build->
          // check if build is running
          if (build.isBuilding()) {
              // get the full name of the running build and extract the branch name
              def buildName = build.getFullDisplayName()
              def buildRegexGroups = buildName =~ /(.*) #(\d+) (.*)/
              // if anything else with the same branch (other than the current) is running, then abort
              if (buildRegexGroups.matches() && !currentBuild.equals(buildName)) {
                  def branchOfBuild = buildRegexGroups[0][3]
                  if (branchOfBuild.equals(currentBranch)){
                      println('Aborting: ' + buildName)