Using cscope for better source-code browsing

In my last two posts (here and here), I explained how you can simplify the task of browsing through code. So why is it that I'm writing another post on the same topic?If you use the tags method I described, you'll notice one small drawback. I can jump across function definitions to follow the flow of code, but I cannot:a) See which functions are calling the function I'm browsing.b) See a list of all the functions called by the current function.

These are serious drawbacks when you're trying to hack through the jungle of kernel-code. This is where Cscope comes into the picture.

  • Cscope is designed to answer questions like:
  • Where is this variable used?
  • What is the value of this preprocessor symbol?
  • Where is this function in the source files?
  • What functions call this function?
  • What functions are called by this function?
  • Where does the message "out of space" come from?
  • Where is this source file in the directory structure?
  • What files include this header file?

You can download the tarball here. Extract the contents into a convenient directory, and let's get ready to roll.To install Cscope, open a terminal and navigated to the extracted directory.

Now run the commands

sudo make install

This should install cscope on your computer. I use cscope with emacs, so the next set of steps explain how to integrate it with emacs. If you wish to use csope with other browsers, please visit their website ( for instructions.

  1. Make the 'cscope-indexer' script (in cscope/contrib/xcscope) executable.
sudo chmod a+x ./contrib/xcscope/cscope-indexer

2)Copy it into /usr/bin or /usr/sbin (it needs to be in $PATH)

sudo cp ./contrib/xcscope/cscope-indexer /usr/bin

3)Copy the file xcscope.el (in cscope/contrib/xcscope) to /etc/emacs (basically it has to be in the emacs load-path)

sudo cp ./contrib/xcscope/xcsope.el /etc/emacs

4)Edit your ~/.emacs file and add the line

require 'xcscope

Now you can use the cscope key bindings in emacs. Here is a list of the most common key-bindings:

  1. to create a cscope database for your code files, navigate to the topmost direcory (under which all your code directories of current project are) in emacs (using C-x,C-f) and type C-c s I. This should create the files cscope.out and cscope.files. These together represent your database

  2. While browsing through any source code file, use the following bindings:

C-c s s Find symbol.
C-c s d Find global definition.
C-c s g Find global definition (alternate binding).
C-c s G Find global definition without prompting.
C-c s c Find functions calling a function.
C-c s C Find called functions (list functions called from a function).
C-c s t Find text string.
C-c s e Find egrep pattern.
C-c s f Find a file.
C-c s i Find files #including a file.
  1. To navigate the cscope search results use:
C-c s n Next symbol.
C-c s N Next file.
C-c s p Previous symbol.
C-c s P Previous file.
  1. Once you have satisfied your curiosity, you can return to the point from where you jumped using
C-c s u Pop Mark

And thus, you have complete control over code navigation! I have used the file xcscope.el as a reference, and it goes on to detail far more complex tasks using cscope. Look into it once you get the hang of cscope!

Filed under Emacs, Open Source