Parenthesis Matching in Emacs

Here are a number of shortcuts for dealing with sexp:

  C-M-f     Move forward over a balanced expression
  C-M-b     Move backward over a balanced expression
  C-M-k     Kill balanced expression forward
  C-M-SPC   put the mark at the end of the sexp.

The syntax table

One of Emacs ’ strengths is the way it matches parentheses. Depending on what mode the buffer is in, different things are considered to be parentheses; for example, in Emacs Lisp mode, hitting “(” followed by “)” will briefly highlight the open parenthesis if it is visible on screen, and if it is not visible, it will print a message in the echo area showing you the context of the open that you just closed. (This is the default behavior; you or your site manager can change the default.)

Nearly all modes support “(,)” as parentheses, and most also support square brackets “[,]” and curly brackets “{,}”. However, you can make any pair of characters a parenthesis-pair, by using the following command:

    (modify-syntax-entry ?^ "($")
    (modify-syntax-entry ?$ ")^")

The first command modifies the current EmacsSyntaxTable to make “^” an open parenthesis, to be matched to “$”. The second command does the opposite. You can modify a specific EmacsSyntaxTable like this:

    (modify-syntax-entry ?^ "($" perl-mode-syntax-table)

This adds ^ as an open parenthesis matching $ in perl mode’s syntax table. You could add that statement to your . emacs file along with the corresponding closed parenthesis statement.

You can remove a pair of delimiters, just by redefining them as words constituents or punctuation characters. For example, if you want the command forward-sexp, bound by default to C-M-f, to ignore the meaning of [ and ] as parenthesis delimiters, put the following in your InitFile:

  (defvar my-wacky-syntax-table
      (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
        (modify-syntax-entry ?[ "w" table)
        (modify-syntax-entry ?] "w" table)

  (global-set-key "\C-\M-f" '(lambda ()
           (with-syntax-table my-wacky-syntax-table (forward-sexp))))

You can make my-wacky-syntax-table available to all commands by using:

  (set-syntax-table my-wacky-syntax-table)

Note that opening delimiters can be matched in regular expressions with \s(. For closing delimiters, use \s)

Working with balanced expressions

A balanced expression is an expression starting with an opening delimiter, and ending with the matching closing delimiter, given by the syntax table. Such expression is called a sexp. Strings, symbols and numbers are also often considered as sexp, depending on the current mode.

Here are a number of shortcuts for dealing with sexp:

  C-M-f     Move forward over a balanced expression

  C-M-b     Move backward over a balanced expression

  C-M-k     Kill balanced expression forward

  C-M-SPC   put the mark at the end of the sexp.

Here is a short example; let us consider the following sexp in text mode:

    (with-current-buffer "foo.tex" (insert " \\emph{first chapter} "))

If the cursor is before the first parenthesis, C-M-f puts it right after the last parenthesis. With cursor on the word current, C-M-f puts it at the end of the word buffer. If cursor is on the first “ character, C-M-f puts it just in front of the . character. Indeed, “ is not an open delimiter, so the cursor only moves forward one word. The { character howewer is recognized as a delimiter and the cursor will jump just after the corresponding }.

Now if we want to remove the second parenthesized group, when the cursor is on the parenthesis at the beginning of this group, we just type C-M-k. If we want to put it in the kill ring without removing it, we first type C-M-SPC, followed by M-w. We can then yank it somewhere else with the usual command C-y.

Note that there are corresponding shortcuts to deal with parenthesis groups only:

  C-M-n  Move forward over a parenthetical group

  C-M-p  Move backward over a parenthetical group

These commands see nothing but parentheses (according to the syntax table; {} are considered as parentheses in text-mode for example).

Let us return to the example of the previous section. With cursor on the word current, C-M-f puts it at the end of the word buffer, because with-current-buffer is considered as an sexp in text-mode. On the other hand, C-M-n puts the cursor in front of the last parenthesis. That is, the cursor jumped over the next parenthesis group, given by (insert " \\emph{first chapter} ").

vi emulation of the % command

This code from gives a vi-like way of moving over parenthesis groups. I bind it to C-%, from vi heritage. (Note M-% searches and replaces)

(defun goto-match-paren (arg)
  "Go to the matching parenthesis if on parenthesis, otherwise insert %.
vi style of % jumping to matching brace."
  (interactive "p")
  (cond ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1) (backward-char 1))
        ((looking-at "\\s\)") (forward-char 1) (backward-list 1))
        (t (self-insert-command (or arg 1)))))

Alternative method with added flexibility

This modification of the above code works when the point is either right before or right after (), {}, or [] Note: when you are in a cluster of nested brackets, the default association is with the bracket that you are immediately outside of, to match the behavior of forward-sexp and backward-sexp

(defun goto-match-paren (arg) "Go to the matching if on (){}[], similar to vi style of % " (interactive "p") ;; first, check for "outside of **bracket** " positions expected by forward-sexp, etc. (cond ((looking-at "[\[\(\{]") (forward-sexp)) ((looking-back "[\]\)\}]" 1) (backward-sexp)) ;; now, try to succeed from inside of a **bracket**
        ((looking-at "[\]\)\}]") (forward-char) (backward-sexp))
        ((looking-back "[\[\(\{]" 1) (backward-char) (forward-sexp))
        (t nil)))

Another method for vi emulation of the % command

You could also bind a modified version of the first command to the “%” key:

(defun goto-match-paren (arg)
  "Go to the matching parenthesis if on parenthesis AND last command is a movement command, otherwise insert %.
vi style of % jumping to matching brace."
  (interactive "p")
  (message "%s" last-command)
  (if (not (memq last-command '(
      (self-insert-command (or arg 1))
    (cond ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1) (backward-char 1))
          ((looking-at "\\s\)") (forward-char 1) (backward-list 1))
          (t (self-insert-command (or arg 1))))))

When your last command is a movement command, and your cursor is at a parenthesis, then it emulates vi’s % command. Otherwise it just types the % in the current buffer.

 - MLF

Additional ways to match parentheses

See NavigatingParentheses for other ways to navigate between parentheses.

A popular approach is to use a single function button to bounce between parentheses. Here is a self-exlanatory excerpt from my . emacs :

   (defun match-parenthesis (arg)
     "Match the current character according to the syntax table.

   Based on the freely available match-paren.el by Kayvan Sylvan.
   I merged code from goto-matching-paren-or-insert and match-it.

 You can define new \"parentheses\" (matching pairs). Example: angle brackets. Add the following to your . **emacs** file:

   	(modify-syntax-entry ?< \"(>\" )
   	(modify-syntax-entry ?> \")<\" )

   You can set hot keys to perform matching with one keystroke.
   Example: f6 and Control-C 6.

   	(global-set-key \"\\C-c6\" 'match-parenthesis)
   	(global-set-key [f6] 'match-parenthesis)

   Simon Hawkin <> 03/14/1998"
     (interactive "p")
         ((syntax (char-syntax (following-char))))
      ((= syntax ?\()
       (forward-sexp 1) (backward-char))
      ((= syntax ?\))
       (forward-char) (backward-sexp 1))
      (t (message "No match"))

Discussion in [1]

I use a modified version. If triggered between parentheses it will bounce back to the opening parenthesis instead of triggering an error and it will jump to one char after the closing parenthesis and thus match the highlighting of show-paren-mode. ( [1 [x y] cursor 3] ? cursor[1 [x y] 3] ? [1 [x y] 3]cursor )

   (defun goto-match-paren (arg)
     "Go to the matching parenthesis if on parenthesis. Else go to the
   opening parenthesis one level up."
     (interactive "p")
     (cond ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1))
            (backward-char 1)
            (cond ((looking-at "\\s\)")
                   (forward-char 1) (backward-list 1))
                   (while (not (looking-at "\\s("))
                     (backward-char 1)
                     (cond ((looking-at "\\s\)")
                            (message "->> )")
                            (forward-char 1)
                            (backward-list 1)
                            (backward-char 1)))

Strict parenthesis matching

It should be noted that the syntax-table makes all delimiters “even”. That means that a beginning parenthesis ( may match a closing bracket ] if the delimiters are not balanced as a whole. Try C-M-f on the following expression:

     (  [   )  ]

Here is a short piece of Lisp code in which such a situation occurs:

     (re-search-forward "\\(\\[[0-9]\\),\\([0-9]\\]\\)" nil t)
     (replace-match (concat (match-string 1) "." (match-string 2))))

This code replaces, e.g. [4,5] by [4.5]. Now, in the regular expression between quotes " ", the first opening bracket [ matches the first closing parenthesis ), whereas the last opening parenthesis ( matches the last closing bracket ]. This is a bit surprising at first sight.

Some people consider such behaviour as uncorrect, and have devised new matching commands to ensure that a starting ( is always matched by a closing ). The following code comes from the gnu- emacs -help archive [2] and provides a new definition for the forward-sexp command, which is bound by default to C-M-f. Note that these commands do not rely on the syntax table, which may be seen as a limitation.

  (defun skip-string-forward (&optional limit)
     (if (eq (char-after) ?\")
         (catch 'done
           (forward-char 1)
           (while t
             (skip-chars-forward "^\\\\\"" limit)
             (cond ((eq (point) limit)
                   (throw 'done nil) )
                   ((eq (char-after) ?\")
                   (forward-char 1)
                   (throw 'done nil) )
                   (forward-char 1)
                   (if (eq (point) limit)
                        (throw 'done nil)
                      (forward-char 1) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

   (defun skip-string-backward (&optional limit)
     (if (eq (char-before) ?\")
         (catch 'done
           (forward-char -1)
           (while t
             (skip-chars-backward "^\"" limit)
             (if (eq (point) limit)
                 (throw 'done nil) )
             (forward-char -1)
             (if (eq (point) limit)
                 (throw 'done nil) )
             (if (not (eq (char-before) ?\\))
                 (throw 'done nil) ) ) ) ) )

   (defun forward-pexp (&optional arg)
     (interactive "p")
     (or arg (setq arg 1))
     (let (open close next notstrc notstro notstre depth pair)
       (catch 'done
         (cond ((> arg 0)
                (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
                (if (not (memq (char-after) '(?\( ?\[ ?\{ ?\<)))
                   (goto-char (or (scan-sexps (point) arg) (buffer-end arg)))
                  (skip-chars-forward "^([{<\"")
                  (while (eq (char-after) ?\")
                   (skip-chars-forward "^([{<\"") )
                  (setq open (char-after))
                  (if (setq close (cadr (assq open '( (?\( ?\))
                                                      (?\[ ?\])
                                                      (?\{ ?\})
                                                      (?\< ?\>) ) ) ) )
                        (setq notstro (string ?^ open ?\")
                              notstre (string ?^ open close ?\") )
                        (while (and (> arg 0) (not (eobp)))
                          (skip-chars-forward notstro)
                          (while (eq (char-after) ?\")
                           (if (eq (char-before) ?\\)
                                (forward-char 1)
                              (skip-string-forward) )
                           (skip-chars-forward notstro) )
                          (forward-char 1)
                          (setq depth 1)
                          (while (and (> depth 0) (not (eobp)))
                           (skip-chars-forward notstre)
                           (while (eq (char-after) ?\")
                              (if (eq (char-before) ?\\)
                                  (forward-char 1)
                                (skip-string-forward) )
                              (skip-chars-forward notstre) )
                           (setq next (char-after))
                           (cond ((eq next open)
                                   (setq depth (1+ depth)) )
                                  ((eq next close)
                                   (setq depth (1- depth)) )
                                   (throw 'done nil) ) )
                           (forward-char 1) )
                          (setq arg (1- arg) ) ) ) ) ) )
               ((< arg 0)
                (skip-chars-backward " \t\t")
                (if (not (memq (char-before) '(?\) ?\] ?\} ?\>)))
                      (goto-char (or (scan-sexps (point) arg) (buffer-end arg)))
                      (backward-prefix-chars) )
                  (skip-chars-backward "^)]}>\"")
                  (while (eq (char-before) ?\")
                   (skip-chars-backward "^)]}>\"") )
                  (setq close (char-before))
                  (if (setq open (cadr (assq close '( (?\) ?\()
                                                      (?\] ?\[)
                                                      (?\} ?\{)
                                                      (?\> ?\<) ) ) ) )
                        (setq notstrc (string ?^ close ?\")
                              notstre (string ?^ close open ?\") )
                        (while (and (< arg 0) (not (bobp)))
                          (skip-chars-backward notstrc)
                          (while (eq (char-before) ?\")
                           (if (eq (char-before (1- (point))) ?\\)
                                (forward-char -1)
                              (skip-string-backward) )
                           (skip-chars-backward notstrc) )
                          (forward-char -1)
                          (setq depth 1)
                          (while (and (> depth 0) (not (bobp)))
                           (skip-chars-backward notstre)
                           (while (eq (char-before) ?\")
                              (if (eq (char-before (1- (point))) ?\\)
                                  (forward-char -1)
                                (skip-string-backward) )
                              (skip-chars-backward notstre) )
                           (setq next (char-before))
                           (cond ((eq next close)
                                   (setq depth (1+ depth)) )
                                  ((eq next open)
                                   (setq depth (1- depth)) )
                                   (throw 'done nil) ) )
                           (forward-char -1) )
                          (setq arg (1+ arg)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ))

   (setq forward-sexp-function 'forward-pexp)