chroot on Linux

For chrooting a few things must be done:

creation of directory for chroot environment - e.g. /home/chroot

creation subdirectories proc, dev and lib inside above chroot directory:

mkdir /home/chroot/{dev,proc,lib}

binding /dev/ and /proc/ directories to this chroot directory:

mount --bind /dev/ /home/chroot/dev/

mount --bind /proc/ /home/chroot/proc/

copying/link files which will be used in chrooted environment into /home/chroot/ into proper directory - e.g. /bin/bash should be placed in /home/chroot/bin/bash

finding and copying/link library files needed for above files (e.g. /bin/bash) into proper directories, must be used command:

And after all of this you can try to run chroot environment. I hope that I haven't miss anything important. In fact you should try to google for setting chroot

At last, but not least: message cannot run command /bin/bash': No such file or directory" is not complete and can be misleading. It should be more complete for example like this: cannot run command /bin/bash': No such file, directory or library files for this command".

Without 2 last steps of creating chroot list, /bin/bash in chrooted environment won't run even if bash would be placed in /home/chroot/bin/ directory (without proper libraries).