Search Buffers in Emacs
Search through multiple (possibly all) buffers.
- Multi-Occur – batch search by regexp across any number of buffers, using a single regexp
- IciclesSearch – incrementally search (and replace) across any number of buffers or files, possibly using multiple regexps
- search-buffers – XEmacs only, included in edit-utils
- far-search-mode – incrementally search by regexp in all buffers
- moccur.el – ‘occur’ in all buffers
- color-moccur.el – extension of moccur – search files like `grep(-find)’ without ‘grep’ or ‘find’ commands – demo (flash)
- moccur-edit.el – with moccur-edit.el, you can edit the results in place after using ‘color-moccur’ – demo (flash)
- grep-buffers – grep-buffers.el
- igrep-visited-files – igrep.el
- GlobRep – edit ‘grep’ output to perform replacements on files
Built into Emacs 23, this command can search any files or buffers matching a regexp for a particular regexp.
To select buffers to search individually:
To select files to search by regexp:
M-x multi-occur-in-matching-buffers
To select buffers to search by regexp:
C-u M-x multi-occur-in-matching-buffers
Search and Replace Using Icicles
You can use Icicles to search any number of buffers – pick the buffers individually using completion, or pick all that match a regexp, or pick all. Similarly, you can pick files to open and search.
You can use multiple regexps for searching and change regexps on the fly (incrementally). See Icicles - Search Commands, Overview. Search-and-replace across multiple buffers or files, with complex replacement possibilities – see Icicles - Search-And-Replace.
M-x list-matches-in-buffers
Search all buffers for REGEXP and present matching lines like grep.
search-buffers.el<elisp>:53:(defvar search-buffers-current-extent nil)
search-buffers.el<elisp>:55:(defvar search-buffers-highlight-xtnt nil)
search-buffers.el<elisp>:57:(defvar search-buffer nil)
search-buffers.el<elisp>:60:(defun list-matches-in-buffers (regexp)
M-x moccur
Search all buffers that have a file name associated with them and present matching lines. And C-c C-c gets you to the occurence.
Lines matching def.+
Buffer: moccur.el<mylisp> File: d:/akihisa/mylisp/moccur.el
49 (defface moccur-face
60 (defvar moccur-overlays nil)
61 (defvar moccur-regexp "")
M-x moccur Search all buffers that have a file name associated with them C-u M-x moccur Search all file buffers and not file buffers M-x dmoccur Search files in a directory like grep C-u M-x dmoccur Search files in the directory which is setted in your .emacs dired-do-moccur, Buffer-menu-moccur,ibuffer-do-occur can search from dired,buffer-menu,ibuffer
moccur is basis of color-moccur. You can search all buffers and matched line is displayed to other window.
Screenshot, searching for “setq match”:
moccur-split-word : non-nil means to input word splited by space. You can search “(setq ov (make-overlay (match-beginning 0)” by “setq match” or “match setq”. You don’t need to input complicated regexp.
Upperside:Search result buffer, lowerside:matched file buffer
moccur-edit allows you to edit files by just editing the Moccur buffer of color-moccur.
Screenshot, where “ov” is replaced with “moccur-ov”:
M-x grep-buffers
This code lets you grep through all loaded buffers that have a file associated with them. It’s similar to ‘moccur’ and it’s many variants, but uses the standard compilation-mode interface, i.e. next-error, previous-error, etc. all work.
I have the same problem with symbol-near-point. Replacing it with symbol-at-point fixes problem. I’m using Emacs 22. -Petteri
Problem should be fixed now. -ScottFrazer
moccur-grep and moccur-grep-find
grep(-find) by elisp
M-x moccur-grep and input directory, regexp, filemask
In MiniBuffer, input directory
In minibuffer, input regexp and filemask. Last word is filemask.
Input Regexp and FileMask: gnus el$
M-x moccur-grep-find
How to use is same to M-x moccur-grep.
offby1's crude but effective method
(defun search-all-buffers (regexp)
(interactive "sRegexp: ")
(multi-occur-in-matching-buffers "." regexp t))
(global-set-key [f7] 'search-all-buffers)