# Redirect stdout to a file.
# Creates the file if not present, otherwise overwrites it.
ls -lR > dir-tree.list
# Creates a file containing a listing of the directory tree.
: > filename
# The > truncates file "filename" to zero length.
# If file not present, creates zero-length file (same effect as 'touch').
# The : serves as a dummy placeholder, producing no output.
> filename
# The > truncates file "filename" to zero length.
# If file not present, creates zero-length file (same effect as 'touch').
# (Same result as ": >", above, but this does not work with some shells.)
# Redirect stdout to a file.
# Creates the file if not present, otherwise appends to it.
# Single-line redirection commands (affect only the line they are on):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Redirect stdout to file "filename."
# Redirect and append stdout to file "filename."
# Redirect stderr to file "filename."
# Redirect and append stderr to file "filename."
# Redirect both stdout and stderr to file "filename."
# This operator is now functional, as of Bash 4, final release.
# "M" is a file descriptor, which defaults to 1, if not explicitly set.
# "N" is a filename.
# File descriptor "M" is redirect to file "N."
# "M" is a file descriptor, which defaults to 1, if not set.
# "N" is another file descriptor.
# Redirecting stdout, one line at a time.
echo "This statement is sent to the log file, \"$LOGFILE\"." 1>$LOGFILE
echo "This statement is appended to \"$LOGFILE\"." 1>>$LOGFILE
echo "This statement is also appended to \"$LOGFILE\"." 1>>$LOGFILE
echo "This statement is echoed to stdout, and will not appear in \"$LOGFILE\"."
# These redirection commands automatically "reset" after each line.
# Redirecting stderr, one line at a time.
bad_command1 2>$ERRORFILE # Error message sent to $ERRORFILE.
bad_command2 2>>$ERRORFILE # Error message appended to $ERRORFILE.
bad_command3 # Error message echoed to stderr,
#+ and does not appear in $ERRORFILE.
# These redirection commands also automatically "reset" after each line.
# Redirects stderr to stdout.
# Error messages get sent to same place as standard output.
>>filename 2>&1
bad_command >>filename 2>&1
# Appends both stdout and stderr to the file "filename" ...
2>&1 | [command(s)]
bad_command 2>&1 | awk '{print $5}' # found
# Sends stderr through a pipe.
# |& was added to Bash 4 as an abbreviation for 2>&.
# Redirects file descriptor i to j.
# All output of file pointed to by i gets sent to file pointed to by j.
# Redirects, by default, file descriptor 1 (stdout) to j.
# All stdout gets sent to file pointed to by j.
# Accept input from a file.
# Companion command to ">", and often used in combination with it.
# grep search-word <filename
# Open file "filename" for reading and writing,
#+ and assign file descriptor "j" to it.
# If "filename" does not exist, create it.
# If file descriptor "j" is not specified, default to fd 0, stdin.
# An application of this is writing at a specified place in a file.
echo 1234567890 > File # Write string to "File".
exec 3<> File # Open "File" and assign fd 3 to it.
read -n 4 <&3 # Read only 4 characters.
echo -n . >&3 # Write a decimal point there.
exec 3>&- # Close fd 3.
cat File # ==> 1234.67890
# Random access, by golly.
# Pipe.
# General purpose process and command chaining tool.
# Similar to ">", but more general in effect.
# Useful for chaining commands, scripts, files, and programs together.
cat *.txt | sort | uniq > result-file
# Sorts the output of all the .txt files and deletes duplicate lines,
# finally saves results to "result-file".