date: 2012-11-05 17:59:32 author(s): commonslok
android pm命令
pm命令具体可以查看pm help。今天只想说说pm enable、disable、disable-user PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT命令!
手机必须具有root权限,禁止你指定的应用命令pm disable PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT。但是怎么恢复呢?
必然会想到pm enable PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT,但是很遗憾返回Package PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT new state: disabled。state还是为disable。
其实只要执行命令pm disable-user PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT,再执行pm enable PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT就可以了。返回的是Package Package PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT new state: enabled。手机就可以重新安装这个程序了,也可以恢复为可启动了!
pm disable-user PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT可以认为是转为user型的disable。我是这样理解的!记录下!希望对大家有用!
usage: pm list packages [-f] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-e] [-u] [FILTER]
pm list permission-groups
pm list permissions [-g] [-f] [-d] [-u] [GROUP]
pm list instrumentation [-f] [TARGET-PACKAGE]
pm list features
pm list libraries
pm path PACKAGE
pm install [-l] [-r] [-t] [-i INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME] [-s] [-f] PATH
pm uninstall [-k] PACKAGE
pm clear PACKAGE
pm disable-user PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT
pm set-install-location [0/auto] [1/internal] [2/external]
pm get-install-location
pm createUser USER_NAME
pm removeUser USER_ID
pm list packages: prints all packages, optionally only
those whose package name contains the text in FILTER. Options:
-f: see their associated file.
-d: filter to only show disbled packages.
-e: filter to only show enabled packages.
-s: filter to only show system packages.
-3: filter to only show third party packages.
-u: also include uninstalled packages.
pm list permission-groups: prints all known permission groups.
pm list permissions: prints all known permissions, optionally only
those in GROUP. Options:
-g: organize by group.
-f: print all information.
-s: short summary.
-d: only list dangerous permissions.
-u: list only the permissions users will see.
pm list instrumentation: use to list all test packages; optionally
supply <TARGET-PACKAGE> to list the test packages for a particular
application. Options:
-f: list the .apk file for the test package.
pm list features: prints all features of the system.
pm path: print the path to the .apk of the given PACKAGE.
pm install: installs a package to the system. Options:
-l: install the package with FORWARD_LOCK.
-r: reinstall an exisiting app, keeping its data.
-t: allow test .apks to be installed.
-i: specify the installer package name.
-s: install package on sdcard.
-f: install package on internal flash.
pm uninstall: removes a package from the system. Options:
-k: keep the data and cache directories around after package removal.
pm clear: deletes all data associated with a package.
pm enable, disable, disable-user: these commands change the enabled state
of a given package or component (written as "package/class").
pm get-install-location: returns the current install location.
0 [auto]: Let system decide the best location
1 [internal]: Install on internal device storage
2 [external]: Install on external media
pm set-install-location: changes the default install location.
NOTE: this is only intended for debugging; using this can cause
applications to break and other undersireable behavior.
0 [auto]: Let system decide the best location
1 [internal]: Install on internal device storage
2 [external]: Install on external media
root@android:/ # pm uninstall -k com.softel.safebox
pm uninstall -k com.softel.safebox
root@android:/ # pm enable com.softel.safebox
pm enable com.softel.safebox
Package com.softel.safebox new state: disabled
root@android:/ # pm enable com.softel.safebox
pm enable com.softel.safebox
Package com.softel.safebox new state: disabled
root@android:/ # pm disable-user com.softel.safebox
pm disable-user com.softel.safebox
Package com.softel.safebox new state: disabled-user
root@android:/ # pm enable com.softel.safebox
pm enable com.softel.safebox
Package com.softel.safebox new state: enabled
root@android:/ # pm disable-user com.qihoo360.mobilesafe
pm disable-user com.qihoo360.mobilesafe
Package com.qihoo360.mobilesafe new state: disabled-user
root@android:/ # pm enable com.qihoo360.mobilesafe
pm enable com.qihoo360.mobilesafe
Package com.qihoo360.mobilesafe new state: enabled
root@android:/ #
C:\Users\jude>adb shell
shell@android:/ $ pm help
pm help
Error: unknown command 'help'
usage: pm list packages [-f] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-e] [-u] [FILTER]
pm list permission-groups
pm list permissions [-g] [-f] [-d] [-u] [GROUP]
pm list instrumentation [-f] [TARGET-PACKAGE]
pm list features
pm list libraries
pm path PACKAGE
pm install [-l] [-r] [-t] [-i INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME] [-s] [-f] PATH
pm uninstall [-k] PACKAGE
pm clear PACKAGE
pm disable-user PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT
pm set-install-location [0/auto] [1/internal] [2/external]
pm get-install-location
pm createUser USER_NAME
pm removeUser USER_ID
pm list packages: prints all packages, optionally only
those whose package name contains the text in FILTER. Options:
-f: see their associated file.
-d: filter to only show disbled packages.
-e: filter to only show enabled packages.
-s: filter to only show system packages.
-3: filter to only show third party packages.
-u: also include uninstalled packages.
pm list permission-groups: prints all known permission groups.
pm list permissions: prints all known permissions, optionally only
those in GROUP. Options:
-g: organize by group.
-f: print all information.
-s: short summary.
-d: only list dangerous permissions.
-u: list only the permissions users will see.
pm list instrumentation: use to list all test packages; optionally
supply <TARGET-PACKAGE> to list the test packages for a particular
application. Options:
-f: list the .apk file for the test package.
pm list features: prints all features of the system.
pm path: print the path to the .apk of the given PACKAGE.
pm install: installs a package to the system. Options:
-l: install the package with FORWARD_LOCK.
-r: reinstall an exisiting app, keeping its data.
-t: allow test .apks to be installed.
-i: specify the installer package name.
-s: install package on sdcard.
-f: install package on internal flash.
pm uninstall: removes a package from the system. Options:
-k: keep the data and cache directories around after package removal.
pm clear: deletes all data associated with a package.
pm enable, disable, disable-user: these commands change the enabled state
of a given package or component (written as "package/class").
pm get-install-location: returns the current install location.
0 [auto]: Let system decide the best location
1 [internal]: Install on internal device storage
2 [external]: Install on external media
pm set-install-location: changes the default install location.
NOTE: this is only intended for debugging; using this can cause
applications to break and other undersireable behavior.
0 [auto]: Let system decide the best location
1 [internal]: Install on internal device storage
2 [external]: Install on external media